BWM SHIP MANAGEMENT & FINANCE PRIVATE LIMITED operates in the crewing industry, specializing in the recruitment and placement of seafarers. The company holds an RPSL license, with the number RPSL-MUM-498, which was issued on 09 June, 2023. The license is valid up to 09 June, 2028.
BWM SHIP MANAGEMENT & FINANCE PRIVATE LIMITED was registered on 09 May, 2018, with its headquarters in Navi Mumbai. The company's physical address is Office No.1401, B-Wing, 14th Floor, Great Eastern Summit, Plot No.66, Sector-15, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Maharashtra - 400614.
The company is managed by 3 key individuals: Gaurav Dhir, Piyush Kumar, and Rajnish Arora.
We have noticed that more than 0 users have reported cases where BWM SHIP MANAGEMENT & FINANCE PRIVATE LIMITED is charging placement fees to assist in securing job opportunities for seafarers, either directly or indirectly.
In terms of customer ratings, the company currently holds a 0-star rating.
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